Results for 'Leonid Mikhailovich Arkhangel Skii'

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  1. Metodologii︠a︡ ėticheskikh issledovaniĭ.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ (ed.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  2. Kategorii Marksistskoĭ ėTiki.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1963
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  3. Marksistskai︠a︡ ėtika: predmet, struktura, osnovnye napravlenii︠a︡.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1985 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  4. Kurs lekt︠s︡iĭ po marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėtike.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1974 - Moskva,: "Vyssh. shkola,".
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  5. Sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėticheskie problemy teorii lichnosti.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1974
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  6. Kategorien de marxistischen Ethik.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1965 - Berlin,: Dietz Verlag.
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  7. Marksistsko-leninskai︠a︡ ėtika kak sistema.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1976
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  8. Ėtika i ideologii︠a︡: kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh ėticheskikh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ, K. A. Shvart︠s︡man & L. V. Konovalova (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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  9. Dukhovnoe razvitie lichnosti. Arkhangelʹskiĭ, Leonid Mikhaĭlovich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1967
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  10. T︠S︡ennostnye orientat︠s︡ii i nravstvennoe razvitie lichnosti.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1978
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  11. Vyskoe zvanie kommunista.Valentin Akimovich Arkhangel'skiĭ - 1963 - Tashkent,: Gos. izd-vo Uzbekskoĭ SSR.
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  12. Bog.M. M. Arkhangelʹskiĭ - 1924
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  13.  30
    Ethics or Studies of Morals?L. M. Arkhangel'skii - 1982 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 21 (2):26-34.
    The need for discussion of the question of the structure of ethics, its interrelation with other disciplines, methods of ethics research and, finally, ways of achieving a connection between ethical theory and practice has undoubtedly become urgent.
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    On the Nature of Moral Consciousness.L. M. Arkhangel'skii - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (2):221-229.
    The characteristics of moral consciousness are usually examined jointly with normative and value factors. O. G. Drobnitskii justly considers the leading criterion of moral consciousness to be the normative quality of moral judgments, the distinctive characteristic of which consists, in turn, of the impersonal nature of such judgments, and also of the fact that moral consciousness "does not associate its judgments directly to whatever facts may be at hand" . Without entering into a polemic against these assertions, we should like (...)
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    The Dialectics of Good and Evil as the Main Problem of Philosophical-Ethical Cognition.L. M. Arkhangel'skii - 1984 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (4):54-71.
    Good and evil are the most general ethical categories from which we can get our bearings in the fundamental philosophical and normative problems of ethics. In the contemporary scholarly literature the interpretation of the good is multifunctional. Good is regarded as a model of morality, as the most general moral requirement or most general moral evaluation, and finally as a practical norm, i.e., a requirement embodied in moral experience, as a unity of the objective and subjective in moral actions. The (...)
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  16.  19
    The Essence of Ethical Categories.L. M. Arkhangel'skii - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 2 (4):31-39.
    The proper development of Marxist-Leninist ethics demands thorough analysis of its categories, and clarification of their nature and interconnections. These questions are still inadequately treated in our philosophical literature. The problem of the essence of ethical categories is actually bypassed, yet it is precisely here that one finds many disputes and much that is not clear. This problem requires the solution of questions such as the relationship between existing morality and ethical theory, between actual moral feelings, views and principles on (...)
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    A. V. Arkhangel′skiĭ. O moshchnosti bikompaktov c pervoĭ aksiomoĭ schetnosti. Dok-lady Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol. 187 , pp. 967–970. - A. V. Arhangel′skiĭ. On the cardinality of bicompacta satisfying the first axiom of countability. English translation by Z. Skalsky of the preceding. Soviet mathematics, vol. 10 , pp. 951–955. - R. Pol. Short proofs of two theorems on cardinality of topological spaces. English with Russian summary. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomique et physiques, vol. 22 , pp. 1245–1249. - Alan Dow. An introduction to applications of elementary submodels to topology. Topology proceedings , vol. 13 , pp. 17–72. [REVIEW]Zoltan T. Balogh - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):537-537.
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    On the Problem of Basic Ethical Categories.G. K. Gumnitskii - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 2 (4):39-44.
    The study of ethical categories is a key problem, now posed anew in the context of education for communism. Among recent writings on this subject, much interest attaches to L.M. Arkhangel'skii's article, "The Essence of Ethical Categories" [Sushchnosf eticheskikh kategorii], Filosofskie nauki, 1961, No. 3.* This article discusses the essence of the categories of ethics, their relations with one another and with the principles of morality, and the class content of categories. Particularly valuable, in our opinion, is the (...)
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    A Report on the Discussion of Ethical Categories.A. G. Kharchev - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (1):47-54.
    In recent years, the pages of our journal have carried a number of discussion articles dealing primarily with one question: the essence of the concept of "ethical category" and the concrete place that each ethical category should occupy in the socio-cultural complex denoted by the terms: morality, morals, ethics. The need for discussion of such questions in our scholarly literature on ethics has long been present. The immediate impetus for opening the discussion was publication of L. M. Arkhangel'skii's (...)
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  20.  13
    Leonid V. Karasëv, Filosofija smecha [Philosophy of Laughter]. [REVIEW]Leonid V. Karasëv - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):158-161.
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  21. Wissenschaft, Philosophie Und Religion Im Frühen Pythagoreismus/ Dc Leonid Zhmud.Leonid J. Zhmud - 1997
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    Leonid Stolovich, Filosofija – Estetika – Smekh. [REVIEW]Leonid Stolovich - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (4):336-339.
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    Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1984 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This book is not only a major twentieth-century contribution to Dostoevsky’s studies, but also one of the most important theories of the novel produced in our century. As a modern reinterpretation of poetics, it bears comparison with Aristotle.“Bakhtin’s statement on the dialogical nature of artistic creation, and his differentiation of this from a history of monological commentary, is profoundly original and illuminating. This is a classic work on Dostoevsky and a statement of importance to critical theory.” Edward Wasiolek“Concentrating on the (...)
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  24. The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth.Leonid Rozenblit & Frank Keil - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (5):521-562.
    People feel they understand complex phenomena with far greater precision, coherence, and depth than they really do; they are subject to an illusion—an illusion of explanatory depth. The illusion is far stronger for explanatory knowledge than many other kinds of knowledge, such as that for facts, procedures or narratives. The illusion for explanatory knowledge is most robust where the environment supports real‐time explanations with visible mechanisms. We demonstrate the illusion of depth with explanatory knowledge in Studies 1–6. Then we show (...)
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  25.  42
    Origin of music and embodied cognition.Leonid Perlovsky - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Erde und Kosmos im Mittelalter: Das Weltbild vor Kolumbus. Rudolf Simek.Leonid Chekin - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):311-312.
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    Kontinualʹnoe mirovozzrenie v preodolenii problem ontologii i estestvoznanii︠a︡: spravochnoe posobie.Vladimir Karelʹskiĭ - 2020 - Moskva: U Nikitskikh vorot.
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  28. (1 other version)Istorii︠a︡ logiki.Aleksandr Osipovich Makovelʹskiĭ - 1967
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    DNA microarrays in the clinic: infectious diseases.Vladimir Mikhailovich, Dmitry Gryadunov, Alexander Kolchinsky, Alexander A. Makarov & Alexander Zasedatelev - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (7):673-682.
    We argue that the most‐promising area of clinical application of microarrays in the foreseeable future is the diagnostics and monitoring of infectious diseases. Microarrays for the detection and characterization of human pathogens have already found their way into clinical practice in some countries. After discussing the persistent, yet often underestimated, importance of infectious diseases for public health, we consider the technologies that are best suited for the detection and clinical investigation of pathogens. Clinical application of microarray technologies for the detection (...)
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  30. Post-modernism and its” Contribution 'to Ending Violence Against Women.“.Katja Mikhailovich - 1996 - In Diane Bell & Renate Klein, Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press. pp. 339--45.
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    Meanings and Values of the Russian World Outlook in the Work of Leo Tolstoy.Sergei A. Nikol'skii - 2011 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 50 (2):8-37.
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    Zdesʹ i teperʹ: sovremennyĭ opyt filosofsko-religioznogo issledovanii︠a︡.Leonid Nikitin - 1990 - Moskva: Prometeĭ.
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    Kosmologicheskie idei sverkhsoznanii︠a︡: filosoficheskoe ėsse.Leonid Safronov - 2001 - Ekaterinburg: Poligrafist.
  34. Sorok let sovetskoĭ fiziki.Ė. V. Shpolʹskiĭ - 1958 - Moskva,: Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry.
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  35.  21
    Theoretical Models of Space and Its Philosophical Category.Leonid Tchertov - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (4).
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  36. Aleksi︠e︡ĭ Stepanovich Khomi︠a︡kov.Leonid Evstafʹevich Vladimirov - 1904
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    Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans.Leonid Zhmud - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kevin Windle & Rosh Ireland.
    In ancient tradition, Pythagoras emerges as a wise teacher, an outstanding mathematician, an influential politician, and as a religious and ethical reformer. This volume offers a comprehensive study of Pythagoras, Pythagoreanism, and the early Pythagoreans through an analysis of the many representations of the individual and his followers.
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  38. (1 other version)Kant and the Problem of Revolution. A Report of the International Conference (Kaliningrad, 9—10 November 2017).Leonid Yu Kornilaev - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (1):74-87.
    This report presents the features of the organisation and the main ideas of the international scientific conference “‘No Right of Sedition’. Kant and the Problem of Revolution in the 18th—21st Century Philosophy.” The conference was held at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU) in Kaliningrad on November 9—10, 2017 and was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The event was organised by the Academia Kantiana — a research unit on comparative studies on Russian and Western philosophy (...)
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  39. Toward a Philosophy of the Act.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1993 - Austin: University of Texas Press. Edited by Michael Holquist & Vadim Liapunov.
    Rescued in 1972 from a storeroom in which rats and seeping water had severely damaged the fifty-year-old manuscript, this text is the earliest major work (1919-1921) of the great Russian philosopher M. M. Bakhtin. Toward a Philosophy of the Act contains the first occurrences of themes that occupied Bakhtin throughout his long career. The topics of authoring, responsibility, self and other, the moral significance of "outsideness," participatory thinking, the implications for the individual subject of having "no-alibi in existence," the difference (...)
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    How Globalization Shifts the Global Economic and Political Balance.Leonid Grinin - forthcoming - Journal of Chinese Philosophy:1-13.
    One of the main accusations directed toward globalization is that it deepens the gap between the developed and developing countries dooming them to eternal backwardness. The article demonstrates that the actual situation is very different. It is shown that this is due to globalization that the developing countries are generally growing much faster than the developed states. The World System core starts weakening while its periphery gains strength. At the same time there is a continuing divergence between the main bulk (...)
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  41.  23
    Religious-Secular Reality of Individual Consciousness In The Context of COVID-19.Leonid Mozghovyi, Volodymyr Muliar, Olena Stepanova, Vitaliy Ignatyev & Viacheslav Stepanov - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The question of the secularity of society still remains open, since scientists have proposed only cautious speculative answers, while every scientist understands that in the social sciences it is a sad experience of predictions, that history is random and therefore unpredictable and the future always remains fundamentally open. The process of transformation of postmodern society, the development of which is actively influenced by the current pandemy of COVID-19, entailed the revival of religious values ​​and the formation of a qualitatively new (...)
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  42. Italʹi︠a︡nskie gumanisty: stilʹ zhizni i stilʹ myshlenii︠a︡.Leonid M. Batkin - 1978 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  43. K.D. Ushinskiĭ i russkoe prosveshchenie: monografii︠a︡.V. I︠U︡ Belʹskiĭ - 2023 - Moskva: RU-SCIENCE.
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    Bog, vselennai︠a︡, zhiznʹ.Leonid Gavrilovich Chubrikov - 2010 - Gomelʹ: GGTU im. P.O. Sukhogo.
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    I had the good fortune to communicate with giants of the spirit. Part II.Leonid Finberg, Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets & Sofia Bryl - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (2):223-248.
    Interview of Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets, Sofia Bryl with Leonid Finberg.
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  46. Problemy regionalʹnogo ėtosa.M. G. Ganopolʹskiĭ - 1996 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Nauchno-issl. in-t prikladnoĭ ėtiki. Edited by V. I. Bakshtanovskiĭ.
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    Regionalʹnyĭ ėtos: istoriko-geograficheskiĭ kontekst i sot︠s︡iokulʹturnai︠a︡ transformat︠s︡ii︠a︡: monografii︠a︡.Mikhail Grigorʹevich Ganopolʹskiĭ - 2018 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Izdatelʹstvo Ti︠u︡menskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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    History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics.Leonid Grinin, Peter Herrmann, Andrey Korotayev & Arno Tausch (eds.) - 2010
    A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. The history is studied more and more as a system of various processes, within which one can detect waves and cycles of different lengths – from a few years to several centuries, or even millennia. This issue is the third collective monograph in the series of (...)
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  49. Mirovozzrienie gumanista nashego vremeni.A. I. Krasnoselʹskiĭ - 1900 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Richmann's Experiment and the Electrophorus.Leonid N. Kryzhanovsky - 1991 - Centaurus 34 (2):119-124.
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